About Us
早9:00-晚9:00 全年无休
Shanghai Huada Institute of Applied Psychology is registered within the Huadong Normal University National Science and Technology Parks; it is a government sanctioned professional psychological counseling and service center, and is the nation’s most professional organization that offers myriad of services including: psychological counseling, psychological training, corporate EAP, applied psychology research and social services. It is composed of the original members of Huadong Normal University’s psychological counseling office, authorities within the field of psychology, and other professional resources. This institute was born from the Huadong Normal University faculty of psychology, grew from Huadong Normal University’s professional skills training institute and continuing education faculty. During its ten years of experience and growth, this institute has always tried to lead the field of applied psychology, and fill the gap in Chinese psychological counseling theories and application; and this institute has become an influential force in the applied psychology field within china and in providing services to the society.

As of now, Shanghai Huada Institute of Applied Psychology has over 300 professional and experienced psychological counseling team members that offer direct counseling services to all levels of society.

Within 10 years, this institute has received over 36600 clients from both China and abroad, and has solved the presenting problems of over ninety percent of visiting clients. This institute has saved countless families, by reconnecting parents with children, and salvaging connections between individuals from all walks of life.

Within 10 years, the number of psychological counseling hotlines grew from 3 to 30; there are now 600 therapists that work all year around in the hotline services, receiving over 1680000 calls. This social service hotline has been rated in 2012 by psychology conference professionals as “China’s most well-known, popular, and professional” psychological counseling hotline. 
Within 10 years, we as an institute has participated actively in public service, ranging from Shanghai Expo, the earthquakes in Wenchuan, Yushu, Xinjiang 7.5, Jingan “11.15” fire disaster, Shanghai Donghai bridge crash crisis, and Shanghai Philanthropist Foundation Star Harbor event. The institute has always acted in the front line in the occurrence of these large scale disasters; we act as volunteers, initiate donations, and rush to the frontline to offer free psychological counseling and disaster relief. We also provide Huadong Normal University with “Help Xinjiang training class” for incoming students from Xinjiang Keshe district, by providing them psychological tests and evaluations.

Within 10 years, we have provided countless government organizations, corporations, and social groups with our psychological counseling services. The list includes: Baosteel, Volkswagon, China Mobile, Shanghai Xuhui district government, police and prosecution service, the naval office, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jinshan Union, Electric System, Yanan pharmaceutical, hospitals, retirement homes, parole offices, jails, cancer society, Jiefang Daily Corporation, World Expo volunteer service team and “Star Harbor” organizations, and also elementary schools, high schools, universities, and professional schools. We provide services such as talks on mental health, and construction of “Sunshine psychological foundation”. Our work has been reported by several networks including: CCTV, Zhejiang TV, Shanghai TV, and Phoenix TV.

Within 10 years, we have trained 5400 professional psychological counselors, including famous names such as Doctor Zhang Yiyun, who have become influential names within the Chinese psychological counseling field. We have organized over 11600 hours of psychological health management training talks for different corporations, influencing about 18300 people. We have also organized over 2700 hours of psychological health knowledge talks for different communities, affecting 5600 people. We have also organized 120 free psychological counseling talks for 8000 volunteers.

Within 10 years, we also developed and bettered the field of applied psychology research, and have successfully developed the “employee mental health warning system” software platform which tailors to characteristics of corporate culture. This software acts as a monitor of employee mental states, and allows for direct evaluation of employees’ mental states. This software provides a foundation for solving any psychological issues employees may face at a budding stage.

Within 10 years, we persisted in publicizing mental health knowledge, and mental disorder prevention. We have long provided our professional psychological opinion and help to different TV networks, radio stations, and newspapers that focus on mental health. TV programs with our input include: Mental Garden, Happiness Matrix, Until Dawn, Psychological Talk, Secret Healing, Parent Meeting, Parents, Dongfang Show, Dialogue, Goodwill Hunting, Society, etc. Radio stations include Shanghai Dongfang radio 792 “happy family” programs. Newspapers include: Morning Press, Afternoon Press, Evening Press, Xinmin Press, Shanghai Business, Shanghai Finance, Lifestyle Guide, Legal Daily, China Youth Daily, Youth Technology, Children’s Press, For Children, Modern Family, and Hongkong Family. We have also cooperated with Shanghai TV documentary channel in making psychological programs including 11 episode “Search for the hidden land”, and 30 episode “Goodwill Hunting”. At the same time, a book entitled “Goodwill Hunting” will also be published, and have already received positive review.

Within 10 years, our contribution has earned the society’s highest regard. We have many diplomas, flags, and recognition from different government agencies, corporations and social groups. We have received positive review from many different avenues. For example, Jingan district government held the “11.15” Major Fire Disaster “Loving Ambassador” Award within Huadong Normal University. Shanghai Philanthropist Foundation Star Harbor Mental Rescue project has also awarded us “Public Welfare Loving Ambassador” and psychological counseling professional accolade. We have also received wide recognition from the field of psychology in general; some psychological counseling institutes even attempt to mask themselves as Shanghai Huada Institute of Applied Psychology in attracting more resources, testifying to the influence and draw of our institute.

Shanghai Huada Institute of Applied Psychology was developed from the strategic plans of Huadong Normal University and social demand; and we have transitioned beyond the university campus. Under the guidance of the committee of science and technology, we have absorbed both resources within and outside the country to fulfill the society’s demands. Our principle of adhering to the national and societal interest and public welfare has allowed us to provide honest and professional service. We follow strict principles and rules in conducting our work and in helping others. We are constantly evolving with higher ethical and moral standards, and improving  management in providing psychological professionals, therapists, visitors and corporations with better service.

To ensure our quality of service, our institute promises:
1、To invite renowned individuals within psychology in bettering psychological research, training and communication, and in building the best professional psychological counseling team. We guarantee that all our members have the required certification and training, and that their abilities will be strictly tested and maintained.
2、To transplant advanced management models to program and humanize our management. We request that all therapists have high moral principles and professional abilities. It is important for them to remember the motto “use love to ignite love, instill hope in everyone’s heart”, and use humility and love in providing clients with excellent mental services.
3、To persevere in helping public service. Install cloud services in communications, and better the free public service psychological help hotline (021-51688988) by improving the work hours from 9am to 11:30 pm, and instituting all year hotline service. We will also actively participate in public welfare programs that involve psychology.
4、To publicize knowledge about psychological wellbeing, prevent mental disorders, and continue educating the public about mental health.
5、To continue providing psychological services to government agencies, corporations and social groups.
6、To train a professional psychological emergency rescue team. Concluding from events such as Wenchuan Earthquake, Jingan fire, and Donghai Bridge crash, a psychological emergency rescue team is needed to intervene and help with reconstruction after large scale disasters.

Our institute follows the motto “Wholeheartedly providing therapists with a servicing platform, use love to ignite love, and instill hope in everyone’s heart. To help all that we can in order to develop harmoniously”. We apply psychological research findings in our psychological counseling, and we are not afraid to discuss mental health issues that are contingent to the Chinese population and its specific conditions. Let our team use our professional psychological skills, our intelligent and scientific thinking, and also our wholehearted love to provide all visitors, clients, social groups and corporations with the highest quality of service. We aim to provide a positive force in elevating the Chinese populace’s wellbeing and also help in developing a harmonious society.